파일 다운로드

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hello_dolly.(1964)old pop

♣출처 : 지인의도움 원곡가사 Hello Dolly, this is Louis, Dolly It's so nice to have you back where you belong You lookin' swell Dolly, I can tell Dolly You still glowin', you still growin', you still goin' strong I feel the room swayin', while the band's playin' One of their old favourite songs from way back when So, take a wrap fellas, find her an empty lap fellas Dolly …. never go away again I feel the room swayin', but the band's playin' One of our old favourite songs from back when So, golly gee fellas, have a little faith in me fellas Dolly, never go away Promise, you'll never go away Dolly, never go away again
